To help lend some context to the site, here are all of the family names I am interested in grouped into the four main family branches I am currently researching. I have also included brief notes on where and when I have found information on those families. If you think you are related to any of my lines, please let me know! I can be reached at jen(at)jenasmart(dot)com or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
My main family names (corresponding to my four grandparents) are St. John, Hunter, Fee and Coulman. The other associated names are as follows:
Coulman (London, England>Ontario, Canada in 1870)
Adams (England)
Brinkworth (England)
Lusty (London, England 1810s-)
Oakley (Hove/London, England>Ontario, Canada in 1870)
Pardoe (England)
Richardson (London, England>Ontario, Canada in 1888)
Fee (Ireland>Montreal, Quebec before 1840)
Ansted (London, England>Montreal, Quebec in 1867)
Burton (Norfolk, England>Montreal, Quebec in 1867)
Johnson (uncertain>Quebec prior to 1840)
Salter (prob. England>Montreal, Quebec prior to 1814)
Williams (prob. Ireland>Montreal, Quebec prior to 1840)
Hunter (Ireland>Ontario, Canada prior to 1845)
Collins (England>Ontario, Canada around 1840)
Davey(England>Ontario, Canada prior to 1830)
Dool (Ireland>Ontario, Canada prior to 1845)
Hindle (England>Ontario, Canada around 1840)
St. John (Palatine German>Ireland>Ontario, Canada; emigrated to Ireland around 1710, to Canada in 1817)
Baker (Ireland>Ontario, Canada in 1817)
Barker (believed to be England>Ontario, Canada prior to 1845)
Doan (believe to be England>Massachusetts>Pennsylvania>Ontario, Canada; from 1630s, to Canada around 1840)
Haight (Unitred States>Ontario, Canada around 1840)
Humphreys (Ireland>Ontario, Canada in 1845)
Lloyd (Irelamd>Ontario, Canada around 1827)
Summerville (Ireland>Ontario, Canada in 1845)
Thomas (Cornwall, England>Ontario, Canada in 1840)
I am a descendant of the Oakley’s, now living in Illinois but from Ontario originally. Alice Coulman’s brother, Thomas, is my great-great grandfather.
I have plenty of Oakley family history if you are interested.
Rick Rice
Dixon, Illinois (Niagara Falls, Ontario)
Hi Jena
A few years ago my brother Michael forwarded me a link to your website – in particular that concerning Clark and Ansted Fruit brokers.
At the time I didn’t have the time to follow up exactly what your link to the Ansteds is. Now that I have the time I’ve looked at your story of how the Ansteds arrived in Canada and I presume your grandfather Fee married one of Dionysia and Thomas Burton’s 6 daughters, but can you tell me which?
But perhaps I have got it all wrong.
Hoping for clarification
Chris Ansted
PS I’m from over on the William and Hester (nee Turner) Ansted branch.
I believe that Philip St John was the son of a baron in Limerick, Ireland that immigrated to Canada and became my great grandfather. My father was John St John and his father was Homer St John. Both immigrated to the U.S. I would love to learn of other relatives.
I was contacted by the Hunt family in Canada to help with the family tree of my grandmother, Alice Hunt or Pigeon. She was marred to Homer St John. Her ancestor, Pigeon, was a publisher who immigrated from France to Canada.
I am also a LUSTY and looking for information .my father was John Gordon LUSTY born 1946 …his mother Janet Breen MacIntyre 1911-1987 and Percy Lusty (thompson)1906-1986 born HAMILTON …Percy parents were from England and Janet Scotland …. I was told by ancestry we were related to the Coates family from Toronto…but not finding any info…..can you lend a hand
There was a Harrison family involved with the Temple. Hiram Harrison had a son Joshua, and numerous other children. Either Hiram or his son or both were involved in the building of the original temple, and the family story is that when the building was completed, there was a party, and the ancestor led the dancing with his fiance. I think that would have been Joshua. I am a direct descendant of Hiram Harrison. Would you please add the Harrison family to the listing? Thanks.