Amy Johnson Crow, on her blog No Story Too Small, has challenged her fellow bloggers to post 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. This is week forty-seven, in my attempt to catch up before the end of the year!
My great-great-great-great grandfather was Harrison Haight. He was born sometime around 1797 in the United States, likely in New York. By the time he married Agnes Doan around 1817 he had moved north to Ontario, possibly with his parents.
In 1834, Harrison and Agnes settled in Little Britain, Ontario. According to the Church Centennial, Little Britain, 1839-1939:
Harrison Haight, Jr. was closely associated with the early development of Little Britain. He is described as being a muscular and physically powerful man, well over six feet tall, and was thus well fitted for the rigours of life in a stern, new land. A keen intellect and high moral purpose also combined in him to produce a settler of value to the early community.
The Indians found in Harrison Haight a trusted friend. They would talk to him when they would not say a word to others. His home was always open to them and they entered without knocking. A locked door made them suspicious.
Harrison and Agnes had several children. As far as I have been able to determine so far these children include, Melissa, Silas, Mahlon, Samuel, Joseph, Betsy, Sophronia and Susan. Agnes passed away in 1842.
A family legend told to me by my great aunts suggests that somewhere in the early 1840s, Harrison became convinced the world was going to end. At that time he gave away many of his farming implements, put on his best night clothes and climbed to the roof of his house to await the end. The following morning, obviously, he had to climb back down and attempt to retrieve his goods. I’m sure I’ll never be able to prove this story – but it has always intrigued me!
Following Agnes’ death, Harrison married Elizabeth McKinley on November 28, 1844, in Darlington, Ontario.
The 1861 census finds Harrison (64) and Elizabeth (57) in Reach, Ontario. And in the 1871 census, Harrison (74) and Elizabeth (68), they are still there.
The 1881 census for Minto, Ontario, finds Harrison (84) with his son Joseph (47) and his wife Moriah (47) and their children Reuben Thomas (24), John Harrison (22), Joseph (20), and Stephen (17). Elizabeth (84) appears to be living with a Robert Horner (78) in Scugog, Ontario. Robert is possibly her brother.
I am not entirely certain when Harrison died.
I just found your webpage and some info on Harrison Haight.
Harrison Jr & Agnes Doan are my GGG Grandparents.
I live in Oshawa Ontario Canada about an hours drive from Little Britain Ontario.
While I do have some information of their lives, I cannot find where he or Harrison Sr. is buried.
My e-mail address is bsnorrish124@rogers,com.
Perhaps we both can find more answers if you wish to contract me.
Stan Norrish
I also found Nicholas and Reuben Thomas who are my GGG Grandfather and my GG grandfather.
If you want more info, please contact.
Stan Norrish